Sunday, February 14, 2010

The name of my first book is Metal Mike. It is a story of a boy who has to deal with his best friend moving away. The book tells the story of a robot the he creates to take the place of his friend.

The book was written a few years ago, but I did not know how to go about getting it illustrated and published. I was fortunate to come across Wiggles Press. Rochelle O'Neal Thorpe liked the story and encouraged me to get it illustrated.

I found the illustrators in the strangest of places. My own home. My twin daughters happen to be very gifted artists. I ask them to draw a few pictures for me and they brought the characters in the book to life.

I am looking forward to the completion of this project and seeing the finished product.

Welcome to my blog. I have set this blog up in anticipation of a childrens book that I am having published. My intention is to chronicle the process and share information about the book's release.